To Let
Might Suit Store/Distribution/Showroom
Crossveggate Business Park is situated in the heart of Milngavie, a prosperous suburb approximately 7 miles north of Glasgow city centre. The Business Park adjoins the town centre and is immediately adjacent to Milngavie Station which links directly to Glasgow city centre.
Tesco and M & S are located nearby, and adjoining occupiers include GM Thomson Architects, Co-op Funeralcare, K & C Tyres Lted and Jawbrew.
The property comprises a mid terrace business unit erected approximately 40 years ago. The walls are of traditional facing brick, the roofing is profile sheeting on a portal frame. The roof height increases to the rear. The unit has excellent rear access facilities from a communal yard and a roller shutter door affords maximum flexibility.
From our inspection we calculate the premises provide:
GIA: 284.65 m² (3,064 ft²)
The property is offered on a normal Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a negotiable term incorporating rent review.
Offers in the region of £31,000 per annum are invited.
Effective 1st April 2023 the property is shown on the SAA website as:
Offices: RV £32,750
The Landlord has lodged an appeal against the current assessment.
A copy of the EPC and Recommendation Report is available on request.
Each party to bear their own costs. The ingoing tenant to be responsible for registration dues, LBTT etc.
All terms are quoted net of VAT.
To comply with Money Laundering Regulations we are legally required to undertake due diligence on prospective purchasers/tenants which will at a minimum include proof of identity/address and funding. Applicable documentation will therefore be required on agreement of Heads of Terms.
Strictly by appointment through the joint agents.