Rent Review

'specialist rent review, lease renewal or dispute resolution advice for both landlords and tenants'

The value of commercial property is invariably dictated by the rent it will command in the open market. Through the provision of expert knowledge and negotiation advice we are able to secure the best possible outcome by minimising (if you are a tenant) or maximising (if you are a landlord) the rent secured upon review of a lease.

As a separate, but wholly related discipline, we are equally skilled in the resolution of rent review disputes. This generally will necessitate referral to arbitration or expert determination, involving written representations and / or an oral hearing where we are the representative of one of the parties. Equally however, two of our partners are recognised panel members of the RICS Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) and frequently receive appointments as the Arbitrator / Expert to resolve such disputes themselves.

A typical rent review will involve the following services:

- Inspection of the premises

- Issue of notices / counter notices

- Researching market evidence

- Considering the lease documentation and correct basis of valuation

- Reporting with valuation advice

- Negotiation with the opposing party or their advisor

- Attendance at meetings

- Negotiation of a satisfactory settlement

- Provision of a full valuation report suitable for Board presentation in support of our recommendations

- Ensuring exchange of an appropriate review memorandum, and liaising with the client's lawyers

- Advice in respect of potential 3rd party referrals where a negotiated outcome appears unlikely