'advice on all aspects of commercial rating, particularly the negotiation of appeals to minimise occupancy costs'
Whilst rent reviews rarely pass unchallenged, the assessment of a new value for rating purposes is often taken as a fait accompli. In recent years rating assessments have taken on a more realistic tenor. Even so there is still often scope for reduction where, for example, the physical attributes of a building have been incorrectly reflected in an assessment. Services we might provide include the following:
- Lodging of an appeal
- Inspecting the premises or consideration of layout plans
- Reporting with valuation advice
- Liaising with neighbouring applicants
- Completion of the rental return on behalf of the client
- Negotiations with local authority valuation assessors including attendance at meetings
- Determining satisfactory assessments
- Chasing repayment of any rebates due
- Instigating interim appeals due to, say new acquisitions or following a material change of circumstances